Class 8 commemorates Anne Frank

Dear School Community,

Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt am Main. Because she and her family were Jewish, they had to flee Germany to escape the Nazis. From 1942 to 1944, they hid in a Secret Annex in Amsterdam, together with four other people who had gone into hiding. The hiding place was betrayed and Anne Frank and her family were deported. Anne’s mother died in Auschwitz at the beginning of 1945. Anne and her sister Margot died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1945. Anne died at the age of 15.

On her 12th birthday, Anne received a diary in which she wrote down her thoughts and feelings in hiding. Anne’s father, the only survivor, published the diary. It was translated into 55 languages. 

Class 8 has been studying Anne’s diary and her life over the past few weeks. In her diary, Anne repeatedly writes about a chestnut tree that she can see from her favorite spot in the attic. Saplings of the chestnut tree, which was blown down by a storm in 2010, are now being planted all over the world – even in the garden of Congress in Washington. Therefore, the class created “their” Anne Frank tree in front of the reception to commemorate her birthday on June 12. 

Class 8

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