Abi-Streich and Spirit Week!

Dear school community, 

We look back on the last week with laughter and tears, because in a few days, we will have to say goodbye to our sABIlity Class 2024. 

However, our future alumni have spent their last days at the DSN turning everyday school life upside down. This time in “Spirit Week”, each day had an interesting theme, which our graduates expressed through some crazy and creative costumes – pajamas, cross-dressing, gothic wear, holiday attire, and so much more. On Thursday, there was a Pink Party to show the Barbie Movie which was a vibe.  

The highlight of the week was the long-awaited graduation prank. Dressed up as goths, all seats were out of closed corridors, messy teachers’ room, and built a tower out of chairs. There was also coal at every office entrance. But what we liked best were the competitions between teachers and students – police and robber, red light – green light as well as a scavenger hunt. When else do you get the chance to tell the teachers what to do? 

Despite all the joy and celebrations, there was also a hint of sadness in the air, as next week marks the end of some of their time at the DSN. First of all, however, we wish all graduates every success in the upcoming oral exams. We are sure that you will also overcome this hurdle with flying colors!

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