The Primary School Easter Assembly!!

Dear School Community, It’s that time again, the Easter vacation is just around the corner. On March 22, we celebrated our annual Easter party at the elementary school. The Easter bunnies were everywhere and we played, sang, laughed, and danced a lot.

This year’s hosts (classes 2a and 2b) led the classes through a varied program. They entertained the audience with a funny song in which an old woman swallows all kinds of animals. In addition to a great magic trick and a dance to the Kenyan song Inauma, the children of the ethics classes were able to inspire the audience with contributions to social learning and Ramadan. To top it all off, there was a fun egg race between the classes, which the children enjoyed very much.

At the end, class 1 had prepared a surprise for everyone, which was distributed to each child. We wish you a happy Easter break! Anna-Lena and Beiene Nyat Class 2a and b
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